Japan increases military budget record-breaking ahead of possible offensive by communist China and Russia
The Japanese government is no longer hiding: the threat of an offensive by the Chinese-Russian invaders on the state of the rising sun is no longer illusory.
According to a number of world media outlets, the Japanese Cabinet has decided to increase the military budget to a record 46 billion US dollars. That’s about 54 trillion yen.
For comparison, the military budget of Ukraine in 2020 was more than $ 5,000,000,000. A similar budget in the US in 2021 is more than 720 billion, the United Kingdom – 61 billion. Taiwan’s defense budget for 2020 was over 13 billion.
The PRC’s real spending on foreign trade is unknown, but according to some information, the amount reaches more than 240 billion. According to the Kremlin, it is about 60 billion.
The Japanese Defense Ministry has decided to demand an increase in appropriations for the financial period of 2022 in connection with the growth of the Chinese communist threat, reports The Japan Times.
According to the post, the Japanese army wants to add the most advanced technology to its ranks, including artificial intelligence-based drones.
Japanese sources say that, most likely, next year will be instituted the historical principle of the Cabinet in 1976, which provided for the impossibility of allocating more than 1% of GDP for the needs of the army.
The record budget request must be submitted by August 31, 2021. In addition to AI technologies, he justifies the need to improve defensive means to repel an attack by the PRC on the border with Taiwan, as well as on the Senkaku Islands, which Beijing considers “primordially Chinese lands.” and radio magnetic instruments.
According to The Times, the Japanese government is considering an offensive from China, Russia and North Korea.
Let me remind you that Chinese propaganda has already announced its intention to destroy Japanese statehood if Tokyo enters the war in defense of Taiwan from communist aggression.